Laboratory will reduce service hours tomorrow 7/26 due to the HVAC outage. Our operating hours tomorrow will be 0700-1200 VICE our normal operating hours of 0700-1200 and 1300-1500.  The afternoon closure allows us time to move our supplies into our phlebotomy room prior to the 1515 HVAC outage.

Getting Care

Exceptional Family Member Program

The Exceptional Family Member Program serves military families by coordinating with other military and civilian agencies to provide medical, dental, mental health, developmental, educational, and community support to families with special needs. It can also assist with housing, adaptive equipment, assistive technology devices and wheelchair accessibility.

The EFMP is a MANDATORY enrollment program for service members with qualifying family members. All branches of the military have EFMP, and use the same enrollment process. Enrollment in the EFMP ensures maximum provision of services to the family throughout the sponsor’s career.

The goal is to have the service member work and live in a community that can accommodate his or her family members' special medical or educational needs.

Exceptional Family Members (EFMs) may be children or adults with any physical, developmental, intellectual, or emotional disorder that requires special treatment, education, training therapy, or counseling.

Enrollment is required immediately upon diagnosis or identification of a special need. This information will assist military assignment personnel in matching the child's special education needs against the availability of educational services at the projected duty station. EFMP supports the assignment process, but does NOT determine a sponsor’s assignment.

Some conditions that warrant enrollment to EFMP include (but not limited to):

  • Medical care above the level normally provided by a family practitioner in an outpatient clinic setting
  • Any potentially life threatening condition, such as asthma, sickle cell disease, epilepsy, or insulin-dependent diabetes
  • Mental health services currently or chronically within the last five years
  • Intensive care follow-up for high risk / premature newborns, or cancer patients
  • Children who require early intervention services from birth to 3 years of age as specified on an Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP)
  • Children who need special education services from 3-21 years of age such as specified on an Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Enrollment in EFMP is permanent unless the family member no longer needs medical or special education or the service member is separated from the military. Service members are responsible for keeping the medical / special education needs documentation current and update every three years or sooner when there is a significant change in the needs of that individual. No notice for updating will be issued from this office.

Service members who are dual active duty must BOTH enroll in the EFMP when a family member qualifies. This is to ensure that the assignment manager of each sponsor considers the family's special needs.

The service member's participation in the program will NOT adversely affect selection for promotions, schools, or assignments. Commanders will take appropriate action against service members who knowingly provide false information or willfully disregard the three-year requirement to update the exceptional family member’s condition.

Contact a Representative

To find an EFMP representative, visit the Military Installations website.

Enrollment / Disenrollment

The following service members with EFMs (children and adults) will enroll in EFMP:

Medical Enrollment Criteria

  • Potentially life-threatening conditions, including but not limited to asthma, sickle cell disease, and insulin dependent diabetes
  • Past, present, and future mental health services
  • Intensive follow-up support or specialty care

Educational Enrollment Criteria

  • Family member on an Individualized Education Program (age 3 to 21 years) or;
  • Family member on an Individualized Family Services Plan (age birth to 3 years)

Enrollment Forms

Click the following links to learn more about the required enrollment forms:

  • DD Form 2792, "Family Member Medical Summary," August 2014 This form is used to document a family member's special medical needs and for enrollment in the Exceptional Family Member Program. This information assists military assignment personnel in matching the family member's special medical needs against the availability of medical services at the projected duty station
  • DD Form 2792-1, "Special Education/Early Intervention Summary," August 2014 This form is used to document the special education needs of a child with a disability, birth through age 21, and for enrollment in the Exceptional Family Member Program. This information will assist military assignment personnel in matching the child's special education needs against the availability of educational services at the projected duty station

Please use these fillable e-forms when possible and ensure all handwritten entries are legible. This will reduce errors and delays due to unreadable information.

How to Enroll, Update Enrollment, or Propose Disenrollment

  1. The EFMP Medical Summary Form DD Form 2792 is completed by the sponsor / spouse and primary care provider (PCP). The PCP should complete the entire form including any addendums (based on their knowledge and medical record review of their assigned patient’s medical and treatment history). Requirements for care must be congruent across all listed diagnosis and across all addendums (1, 2, and/or 3). Addendums may also be completed first by a treating specialty provider
    • DD Form 2792 Addendum, Page 8 Asthma / Reactive Airway Disease Summary should be completed by the PCP, or by the EFMs pulmonologist, allergist or other specialty provider. All questions must be answered and all ‘yes’ answers briefly explained, including dates
    • DD Form 2792 Addendum 2 Mental Health Summary should be completed by a Qualified Clinical Provider, the PCP, or by the treating psychiatrist, psychologist or other behavioral health professional. All questions must be answered and all ‘yes’ answers briefly explained, including dates. NOTE: History includes the last five (5) years
    • DD 2792 Addendum 3 Autism Spectrum Disorders and Significant Developmental Delays should be completed by the PCP, or the treating specialty provider. CLEARLY note current intervention therapy (ST, OT, PT, psychological counseling, and/or intensive behavioral intervention, includes ABA), durations (hours / week), and differentiate school hours / week (i.e. through the educational system), TRICARE hours / week (through the medical / insurance system), and other source hours / week (self-paid, free, other)
  2. The EFMP Educational Summary Form DD Form 2792-1 is completed by the sponsor / spouse and school or early intervention social worker. This form is NOT completed by the PCP
  3. MEDICAL supporting documentation
    • If your EFMs care is wholly provided within the military healthcare system (i.e. where the military electronic medical record system AHLTA and/or MHS GenesisMHS GENESIS is currently available at Fairchild Air Force Base, Madigan Army Medical Center, Naval Hospital Bremerton, Naval Health Clinic Oak Harbor, Travis Air Force Base, Naval Air Station Lemoore, the Presidio of Monterey, and the Mountain Home Air Force Base. is utilized), then no additional records should be required. The EFMP medical provider has access to AHLTA and/or MHS Genesis for review of all available electronic medical records. The DD Form 2792 alone is likely sufficient
    • If your EFMs care is provided within the military healthcare system in combination with consultations to network or non-network civilian healthcare providers, supporting medical documentation from those civilian network or non-network providers MUST be submitted with the completed DD Form 2792. Documentation MUST support diagnoses listed on the current DD Form 2792 for enrollment and/or update, or those proposed for disenrollment. The DD Form 2792 alone is NOT sufficient
    • If your EFMs care is provided by civilian network or non-network providers, including the Johns Hopkins US Family Health Plan (JH USFHP), TRICARE Select, TRICARE Standard, private commercial insurance, or similar providers / plans, supporting medical documentation from those civilian network or non-network providers MUST be submitted with the completed DD Form 2792. Documentation MUST support diagnoses listed on the current DD Form 2792 for enrollment and/or update, or those proposed for disenrollment. The DD Form 2792 alone is NOT sufficient
  4. EARLY INTERVENTION & EDUCATION supporting documentation
    • IFSP (age birth to 3 years)
    • IEP (age 3 to 21 years)
    • 504 Plan, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    • The DD Form 2792-1 alone is NOT sufficient
  5. All packets (DD Form 2792 and 2792-1, and supporting documentation, medical and/or educational) should be submitted IN PERSON during walk-in hours Monday-Friday between 8 a.m. to Noon
    • Service members should make a copy for themselves of the entire EFMP packet BEFORE presenting it for submission. Submitted documentation must be legible
    • Packets may also be dropped off; however, because they may be incomplete, necessitating telephone and/or email communication and/or one or more return visits to the EFMP office, processing may take much longer than the usual 10-20 business days
  6. At time of submission, one of our office personnel will review the packet with you to ensure it is complete. Submitted documentation must be legible
    • Incomplete packets – available documents will be held pending submission of necessary official forms (MUST be complete DD Form 2792 and DD Form 2792-1), medical or educational records. Depending on the specific condition and available medical records, after EFMP staff consultation with an EFMP medical provider, exceptions may be considered
    • Pending consultations or evaluations for new or existing conditions – all outstanding consultations or referrals should be completed prior to PCP completion of the DD Form 2792 and submission for EFMP processing. Depending on the specific condition and available medical records, after EFMP staff consultation with an EFMP medical provider, exceptions may be considered
  7. Complete packets are administratively reviewed (up to 10 business days) and then queued for EFMP medical and/or educational review. Upon completion of the medical review, the reviewed packet is queued for PERNET update. This latter process takes up to 10 additional business days, subject to medical provider and/or system (PERNET) availability or accessibility. The entire process may take up to 20 business days
  8. The EFMP office then contacts the sponsor / spouse. The completed EFMP enrollment update, including a copy of the signed / stamped forms and copy of the data entered in PERNET are provided to for in person review by the sponsor / spouse. Any errors or proposed changes (if medically / educationally acceptable) are subsequently corrected as soon as possible by EFMP staff. Final copies reviewed by sponsor / spouse and the enrollment / update / disenrollment process is complete

How to Disenroll a diagnosis, condition, or dependent from EFMP

Reasons to disenroll from EFMP include change in medical condition (resolved / no longer exists), or in cases of death, divorce, change in custody, etc. The primary care provider MUST address WHY all previous annotated diagnoses are resolved. Supporting medical records MUST be provided. For all other cases, supporting administrative documentation such as death certificate, custody agreement, or divorce decree must be included. The DD Form 2792 and/or DD Form 2792-1 alone are NOT sufficient. Please contact or visit the EFMP office for the proper paperwork to disenroll your EFMs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is an Exceptional Family Member?

An Exceptional Family Member is a Family Member (child or adult) with physical, emotional, developmental or intellectual disability that requires special treatment, therapy, education, training or counseling.

Is the Exceptional Family Program Mandatory?

Enrollment in the Exceptional Family Member Program is MANDATORY, based on public law and Department of Defense mandates. It works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated medical, educational, housing, community support, and personnel services to Service Member’s Families with special needs. This information assists military assignment personnel in matching the family member's special MEDICAL needs against the availability of medical services at the projected duty station. This information assists military assignment personnel in matching the child's special EDUCATION needs against the availability of educational services at the projected duty station

How do I enroll in the Exceptional Family Member Program?

The service member contacts the Exceptional Family Member Program MEDICAL point of contact to begin the assessment process and obtain the enrollment forms. If your EFMs is seen for medical care at the Naval Health Clinic Quantico EFMP office. Summary of the EFMP Process (highlighting additional or different details) follows:

  1. The EFMP Medical Summary Form (DD Form 2792) is completed by the sponsor / spouse and PCM
  2. The EFMP Educational Summary Form (DD Form 2792-1) is completed by the sponsor / spouse and school or early intervention social worker
  3. For EFMs with medical conditions, schedule a primary care appointment with their primary care manager for medical evaluation (i.e. review of medical history and physical exam) and completion of the DD Form 2792. Submit the completed packets (DD Form 2792 and 2792-1) IN PERSON and, if applicable, all supporting CIVILIAN / NETWORK / USFHP medical records associated with applicable diagnoses / conditions to the Belvoir Hospital EFMP office during walk-in hours between 8 a.m. to Noon. One of our office personnel will review the packet with you at that time to ensure it is complete. Submitted documentation must be legible
  4. For EFMs with an IFSP, IEP, and/or 504 plan, the school (NOT the PCM) must complete the DD Form 2792-1. Submit the completed packets (DD Form 2792 and 2792-1) IN PERSON, and, if applicable, all supporting CIVILIAN / EDUCATIONAL documents, to the Belvoir Hospital EFMP office during walk-in hours between 8 a.m. to Noon. One of our office personnel will review the packet with you at that time to ensure it is complete
  5. Documents will be reviewed in two phases
    • ADMINISTRATIVE review within ten (10) business days of receipt
    • MEDICAL review and PERNET coding within ten (10) business days of ADMINISTRATIVE review
  6. Sponsor / spouse review of EFMP enrollment, update and/or disenrollment. Process complete

NOTE: The provider must complete all eleven (11) pages of the DD Form 2792. For any portion of the document not applicable to the EFMs, the provider should mark NO or NOT APPLICABLE and line through the form. Submitted documentation must be legible.

NOTE: The ASTHMAMENTAL HEALTH, and AUTISM / ADHD addendums must be completed, if applicable, for all applicable conditions within the last five (5) years.

If my family member is enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program can my family go with me overseas?

The Exceptional Family Member Program medical staff screens all family members for possible enrollment in this program. If the family member has any type of special medical, emotional or educational need, their packet is sent forward to Overseas Reassignment Exceptional Family Member Program for determination for availability of services. If services are available 'yes', family members may accompany the service member. If services are NOT available 'no', family members may not accompany the service member. Accompanied tours are NOT guaranteed and do not have an impact on operational assignments, to include deployments. Assignment decisions are made by military assignment, Human Resources (HR) personnel, not the EFMP.

Does enrollment have any impact on the service member's career?

Enrollment in EFMP does not adversely affect selection for promotion, schools, or assignment. Information concerning enrollment in EFMP or any of the data used in the program is NOT made available to selection boards.

What are the benefits of enrollment in EFMP?

Enrollment allows assignment managers at service specific agencies to consider the documented medical and special education needs of Exceptional Family Members in the assignment process. When possible, service members are assigned to an area where the medical and special education needs of the Exceptional Family Member can be met. This is the primary purpose of the EFMP.This will depend on the valid personnel requirement for the service member’s grade, specialty, and eligibility for the tour. All service members are still eligible for worldwide assignments. 

What is the ECHO Program?

Tricare Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) is a financial assistance program that provides for services and supplies beyond what is offered by Tricare. Enrollment in EFMP must be completed to be eligible for ECHO. Examples of things covered by ECHO include Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) or additional durable medical equipment (DME).

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